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Confidence, my weapon of choice. Fitness my ammunition.

From the title of this blog, you might say I'm a violent one haha. Im not gonna take that away from you if you really perceive me that way but personally, I fancy using the term "wild at heart". I am in my early 20's pursuing my passions thru my profession. As you may already know, I'm currently working as a TV & Event Host with a little commercial modelling on the side. And more than you might have imagined, this job requires a whole lotta confidence. And more.

Confidence. Lets talk about that for a minute. Judging from the photo above, I clearly got it, right? Some of y'all prolly thinkin' "nah that's not confidence, that's straight up professional douchebaggery right there!" :) Well, that conversation goes on another day on maybe another blog. For now, let me talk about Fitness, Confidence and Success.

In my line of work, I inevitably always find myself in a lot of nerve-racking situations. Some days it's standing in front an audience. Some days its in front of a camera and a crew hoping you're good and you deserve to be the one in front of that cam so they don't end up wasting time. Some days its in front of company executives and clients, trying to sell myself, my service and my ideas. Some days its trying to keep my cool around celebrities and socialites and other high-end looking personalities. And some days its as simple as trying to open up a conversation with a stranger (by stranger, i mean beautiful girls i see on the daily haha). In all this, if my confidence game ain't straight, i'm gone. Actually, i'd never even reach half of where I am now in life without my balls of steel.

Confidence has been mainly my weapon in this battle of life. And as I see it, fitness as my ammunition. I almost mean this in a literal way. I remember sharing to my friends in one of our drinking sessions about my legendary balls of steel.

"I can approach a beautiful woman or a group of beautiful women even if i got a big fresh red pimple in my nose, as long as my chest got a pump". Paraphrased a bit, words are around 90% accurate, probably around 95% drunk at that time, nonetheless 100% true, I really said that. Yes, confidence combined with a few more winning attributes can get you to places. Mine is confidence with a mad twist of intelligence. Hella sexy, I've been told.

Anyhow, i'm here to tell you something you may already know but choose to overlook. If you don't know this yet, well thank the universe cos he led you here in my blog so you can read what I got to say and live a better life. WORD!

I started out with modelling, here in Philippines there's this thing called "event modelling". I personally can't look at it as legit modelling but hell, pay is bloody gorgeous, i love that job. The actual work on the work day itself is pretty basic, sometimes all u gotta do is stand there and smile. While some gigs require a certain level of talent and skill. The real work tho, happens in the hunt of these gigs, In this stage, the wannabes gets a hint from the universe if this job is for him/her as this part can really be challenging. Same process happens in the commercial modelling world and television. The world i'm currently venturing out on.

Being fit has always given me the confidence I needed, especially when I was starting in this race. Getting lined up with beautiful creatures in itself can already be nerve-racking sometimes, which in turn can destroy you internally before the show even starts. By show, I mean the audition, the interview, the casting, the client go-see and all that other terms they got to describe that part where you show people what you got.

Now looking back, I see how my decision of being fit has subconsciously sustained me to endure and prevail in these moments. (Yeah i like making it sound glorious, like winning in a boxing fight or war or something). I see how my decision of being fit have molded me into the person I am now, I see how my decision of being fit have positively impacted the people around me. I see how my decision of staying fit, can advance me further in my career and consequently give more value to the people around me. I see how ultimately, being fit is one of the best decisions one can ever make. So with all that I say, and I'll end this unintended long-ass blog with this, "GO HUSTLE THAT MUSCLE!!".

PS: Damn, i've always known that i'm a natural Rapper. Ha! just came up with that catchy rhyming substantial quote as i finish that last sentence. =)

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